Sunday 25 April 2010

Then We Started Kissing Like This.

Let me start with an epic LOL:

This blog isn't going to run along the lines of my usual blogs because well, I'm in a random mood :D!
I've been using Dailybooth for the past couple of days and I've been chatting to a few people and I've gotten to know some really nice new friends (:
Check me out if you want?

One thing I do want to talk about though is conflict of opinion. Don't you hate it when one of your friends has a different opinion on something and it causes an argument? I do. I don't know why but it just upsets me. Well anyway, that's all I have to say today, other than that it's End Malaria day! So do something, I did a Dailybooth photo for the other day so I'm sure you can think of something :)

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