Thursday, 15 April 2010

'Give me what I want'

Yup , second Kids in Glass Houses lyrics as my title.
I won't be making a blog tomorrow as I'm out to meet my friend and then off to a party (: Not that anyone really reads this but y'know, thought I'd write it down for my own reference. This is sort of like the diary I never kept.
But I just got to thinking, everything in this world is based around material possessions. If you don't have any, people look down on you as if you're worth nothing. If you have too many then people think that you're some sort of god. But in the end material possessions don't get you anywhere. Sure, you can live a nice life with lots of expensive champaign and expensive lobster, but you can't take that money with you. At the end of the day you're the same as everyone else, and we shouldn't be judged for what we do or don't have. All that matters in life is that you love and are loved, as long as you have family and friends then you'll be able to survive anything.
Special shout out to my bestfriend in the world- Samantha. Wouldn't be where I am now if it wasn't for her, and we've only known each other for a little over a year and we know everything about one another. Also wouldn't be who I was if it wasn't for my mum- I thank you for making me the caring and loving person I am today.

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